Wednesday, September 23, 2009


Ever since I took my health seriously and found out that I could get into shape I've been very eager to help people accomplish their own fitness goals. That's why I've started this blog. I'm going to be posting advice to lose weight, get toned, get lean muscular mass, increase cardiovascular health, and maintain a well rounded healthy body. From time to time I'll also post my own weight, blood pressure, average pulse, bench press weight, and things of that nature. You can share your goals, achievements, and struggles with me, and I will share mine with you.

I'm here to help you. Please do not hesitate to ask any questions. If I have any experience on a topic I'll try to cover it.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Caleb, it's Connie. Cool blog! Did you get my message on Facebook about shin splints? Just wondering...
