Monday, February 28, 2011


I wonder if I'll ever be able to write in this blog consistently. I often find myself thinking of ways to incorporate new content into this blog and I always enjoy these contemplations.

It seems to me that if nothing else this blog could serve as a good mental exercise. Even if I do not have many readers, writing my thoughts on a public forum may help to clarify my thought processes.

In the long term I hope that this will become a higher traffic blog that could help people find new workouts and nutritional plans.

It's almost amusing to return to this blog after nearly 8 months of hiatus. Comparing my summer workout stats to my current stats is pleasing. Also, my knowledge of exercise routines and nutritional plans has increased dramatically.

My new Stats are as follows:

Body weight:200lbs
Body Fat: 8-9% (this is a difficult number to derive precisely)

Flat Bench press: 285 lbs.
Deadlift: 335lbs
Squats: I have not tried any max. workouts recently so I'll have to update this later.

All of these things have increased significantly from my summer stats. My body fat increased slightly, but I am well below the average percentage and I am focusing on muscular weight gain rather than cutting fat at the moment.

I've stopped doing long distance running because I found it difficult to gain weight. In fact, when I was running up to 8 miles I found that I was losing weight. So I've cut down to 5 kilometer training and I am focusing on my speed and form rather than my distance. That being said, I may increase to 10k training, but I don't foresee an increase exceeding that.

I'd like to write an article about the difference between myofibrillar hypertrophy and sarcoplasmic hypertrophy in the near future, but I don't have the time right now. I have a lot of exams and homework due in the next week.

I think a lot of people would benefit from this article. In layman's terms it is the difference between mass (size) and density (tone) training. You may be surprised at what you learn after I write this article.

That's my update. It is a feeble stab at continuity. I hope I'll be able to update at LEAST once a month from now on.

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